Women's Day Celebration Education is a necessary tool that opens the window to a bright future.

Sick Bay

B.R. International School believes that the sick bay is an important facility in providing full care of a student. A world-class school facility comprises of an effective and an efficient medical facilities for students to attend to emergency circumstances.

Children who are unwell at school or suffer minor injuries are treated by a qualified full-time nurse in the school Sick Bay. The sickbay is fully stocked with the necessary drugs and first aid equipment to ensure that all emergencies are dealt with in the best possible way at the school. Parents are informed of any serious injury and are contacted if a doctor or hospital visit is advised.

It is imperative that the school has upto-date emergency contact details for all children on file. We also ask that children who are unwell are not sent to school as they are unable to learn and may pass infection to other children and staff members.