Women's Day Celebration Education is a necessary tool that opens the window to a bright future.

School Rules

School Rules


  1. Students should come to school on time. After three notes to Parents through Almanac for late coming/ slackness in general turn out, a recurrence of the same will result in child being sent home.
  2. School uniform must be ironed, shoes well-polished, fingernails pared, and hair trimmed and well combed. Students are not allowed to wear low waist/ ankle length trousers. Students who're found not to be in proper uniform will not be allowed to enter their classrooms. Parents are requested to take special care in sending their wards to school in neat and proper uniform.
  3. Irregular attendance at school, habitual laziness, disobedience, dishonesty, or undesirable conduct are sufficient reason for dismissal of a student.
  4. It is mandatory for all to speak in English in the school premises.
  5. No shouting or whistling is allowed in or around the school building. Running in corridors, sliding on staircase handrail is strictly prohibited. Students are advised not to linger about in corridors after period/break.
  6. Any student, who is found to have done damage of any kind in class or about the premises of the school, must compensate the damage done by paying three times the purchase price.
  7. Students must take care of their belongings; the school authorities will be not responsible for any loss or damage.
  8. No/ periodicals/ other articles unapproved by the principal should be brought to the school premises.
  9. No visitors (parents or others) are allowed to see the pupils or interview the teachers during class hours without the permission of the principal.
  10. Parents are requested to avoid making any social engagement or medical appointments during school hours. If the child is found genuinely ill, the parents will be called to take the student back from school. No child will be allowed to leave the school premises during the working hours except in cases of exigencies. Parents are requested to take gate pass available at the school reception before picking up their wards.
  11. Students suffering from any contagious disease will not be permitted to attend the classes. After submission of medical certificate duly signed by General Physician, student is allowed to attend the classes.
  12. If a student needs to visit the school for any reason, he/ she must come in school uniform.
  13. Bringing cameras, cell phones, electronic items, fireworks, exploding crackers, splashing water or color in the school premises is strictly forbidden even during festival times. Any forbidden items including gold ornaments found with the student will be confiscated and kept in the custody of the school.
  14. Student must remain present on special working days such as on last working days prior to examination, vacation, Independence Day, Republic Day and on Reopening Day.
  15. Students are not permitted to bring chocolates/ chewing gum/ cakes/ pastries/ gifts on their birthdays or their teacher's birthdays. Students are permitted to wear dignified coloured outfit appropriate for the school on their birthdays. No tight jeans will be allowed.
  16. If a student has to stay back in school, then parents will be informed by the Teacher incharge. The parents must fill up the stay back form prior with signature and the students need to inform the class teacher regarding the same. The duly filled and signed form to be collected by the subject teacher concerned.
  17. A student must extend due courtesy and respect to all members of the staff. Respect for seniors and affection for the juniors should be soundly included. Refinement in behaviour should distinguish in every pupil of the school. Every student is expected to uphold the name and honour of the school.
  18. Observance of disciplinary rules of the school and good behaviour are essential conditions for a student's continuance at the school.