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Investiture ceremony celebration at school

‘Badges and sashes filled them with pride, as they promised to inspire each child to work hard and thrive.’

B.R. International School, Kharvel, Dharampur observed the Investiture Ceremony for the session 2022-23 on 6 August 2022. The Investiture Ceremony is a solemn occasion where all the young students are prepared to don the mantle of leadership and discharge the responsibilities entrusted upon them by the school. Our school acknowledged the budding young leaders and reposed the trust in them.

The occasion was graced by the benign presence of Ms. Manisha Basnet, Principal, BRIS. The ceremony began with the ceremonial lighting of the auspicious lamp followed by prayer and Saraswati Vandana. The Vice Principal Ms. Priti Gavli welcomed the gathering and motivated the students to strive harder with a unified zeal for the betterment of the institution. The council members and class prefects marched spritely and majestically in synchronous with the beating of the drums to receive their sashes and badges. The captains and the prefects administered the oath with a promise that they would carry out their duties with integrity, faith and excellence. The Principal of the school congratulated the newly elected members and emphasised on the need to be humble while holding responsibilities. She also stressed on setting priorities and aiming high.

A resplendent school song and dance performance by the students raised the spirit among the audience.

The program culminated with National Anthem.