Women's Day Celebration Education is a necessary tool that opens the window to a bright future.

Gender Sensitivity Programme

Gender Sensitivity Programme

A One Day Compulsory Training Programme for Teachers on Gender Sensitivity was held at B.R.International School on 19th December ,2019. The Training Programme was conducted by Ms. Smita Matai, a CBSE resource person and Senior counselor.

The workshop emphasized that gender responsive education programming is the need of the hour. The workshop started with clarifying the basic concepts of Gender, distinction between sex and gender, Gender Stereotypes, Gender Typing, Influence of Family on Gender Typing, Gender Equity, Gender Equality, Gender Discrimination. The workshop emphasized on the need of a Gender neutral school.

The resource person awakened the consciousness of the teachers to the text book content while relating to gender issues. She also highlighted on the significance of nurturing a healthy balance in the upbringing of the children for attaining a desired gender sensitive society. Around 30 teachers, attended the workshop. The workshop was enlightening and enriching stimulating the teachers to rethink their roles as mentors for attaining Gender Equality encompassing Hope, Happiness and Togetherness.